Tom/Volume 10; Numer/Number 4 (40)/2015: 218-220
ISSN 1895-692
Hypersensitive teeth
Nadwrażliwość zębów
Aleksandra Pietrus1,C,D,E,F
¹ Pomorskie Centrum Stomatologii Kryspin–Dent, Gdańsk
Authors’ Contribution: A - Study Design, B - Data Collection, C - Statistical Analysis, D - Data Interpretation, E - Manuscript Preparation, F - Literature Search, G - Funds Collection
Received: 22.09.2015. Accepted: 01.10.2015. Published: 07.10.2015
Prawa autorskie przeniesione na Wydawnictwo AS MEDIA
Tooth sensitivity refers to dental pain caused by sensory stimuli due to the exposed dentine tubules open. Most often it occurs when in contact with cold air, while consuming hot, cold, sweet or acidic food or drink. It is important to determine the cause and choose the appropriate way to counteract tooth sensitivity.
dentine, enamel, fluorine, oral hygiene, sensitive teeth, tartar