Tom/Volume 10; Numer/Number 4 (40)/2015: 186-193
ISSN 1895-692
Diagnosis of dental caries on the contact surfaces at orthodontic patients treatment with fixed braces
Diagnostyka próchnicy zębów na powierzchniach stycznych u pacjentów leczonych ortodontycznie aparatami stałymi
Paulina Strzelecka1,A,B,D,E, Piotr Skomro2,A,D,E,F, Elżbieta Kubala1,A,B,D,E, Artur Perz1,C,D, Danuta Lietz-Kijak2,A,D,E,G
1 Studium Doktoranckie przy Katedrze i Zakładzie Propedeutyki i Fizykodiagnostyki Stomatologicznej Pomorskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego; Szczecin
2 Katedra i Zakład Propedeutyki i Fizykodiagnostyki Stomatologicznej Pomorskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego; Szczecin
Authors’ Contribution: A - Study Design, B - Data Collection, C - Statistical Analysis, D - Data Interpretation, E - Manuscript Preparation, F - Literature Search, G - Funds Collection
Received: 20.08.2015. Accepted: 29.09.2015. Published: 07.10.2015
Prawa autorskie przeniesione na Wydawnictwo AS MEDIA
The type of used braces depends on the defect type, the patient’s age and dental hygiene. The orthodontic treatment is not only maintaining the health of stomatognathic system, but also a sense of well-being and patient comfort, the aesthetic appearance of the smile, not to say the fashion. Orthodontic treatment with fixed braces is associated with difficulties in dental hygiene, and consequently increased with risk of caries appearing. Modernly practiced technique of minimally invasive caries treatment is designed to preserve the maximum quantity of tooth hard tissues. It is based on the early detection of changes in their early stage.
DIAGNOcam, orthodontic treatment, modern caries diagnostics, near infrared digital imaging transillumination