Tom/Volume 10; Numer/Number 4 (40)/2015: 179-185
ISSN 1895-692
Kaczmarska D. Lisiecka-Opalko K.
The impact of some eating habits and diet on oral health of patients treated with metal
Wpływ niektórych nawyków żywieniowych i diety na stan zdrowia jamy ustnej pacjentów leczonych z zastosowaniem elementów metalowych
Danuta Kaczmarska1, Krystyna Lisiecka-Opalko1
¹ Pomorski Uniwersytet Medyczny, Wydział Lekarsko-Stomatologiczny
Authors’ Contribution: A - Study Design, B - Data Collection, C - Statistical Analysis, D - Data Interpretation, E - Manuscript Preparation, F - Literature Search, G - Funds Collection
Received: 20.08.2015. Accepted: 29.09.2015. Published: 07.10.2015
Prawa autorskie przeniesione na Wydawnictwo AS MEDIA
The article describes the changes in diet associated with changes in lifestyle and the importance of food composition and acidity of liquids consumed for the composition of saliva and its ability to conduct microcurrent. The age of patients and a method of treatment using the metal biomaterials modified diet is an important factor in the planning of oral health. They could have implications for the health of the whole organism.
time use of metal items, acidifying diet, dental treatment of metals and alloys, lifestyle