Tom/Volume 10; Numer/Number 4 (40)/2015: 194-199
ISSN 1895-692
How to take care of patients with implants?
Jak zaopiekować się pacjentem z implantami?
Kinga Grzech-Leśniak1,A,B,E,F, Danuta RozmarynowskaA,B
¹ Prezydent Polskiego Towarzystwa Laserowego, PTSL
Authors’ Contribution: A - Study Design, B - Data Collection, C - Statistical Analysis, D - Data Interpretation, E - Manuscript Preparation, F - Literature Search, G - Funds Collection
Received: 30.09.2015. Accepted: 05.10.2015. Published: 07.10.2015
Prawa autorskie przeniesione na Wydawnictwo AS MEDIA
Implants treatment is growing in popularity among the propoused treatment solutions in dental office. With the increase in the use of implants, the numer of inflammatory complications as peri-implant mucositis and peri-implantitis is growing. Important is know how to treat inflammation around implant associated with the presence of bacterial plaque. The basic concept of treatment should be based on prevention and early detection in dental and hygienist office of peri-implant mucositis and periimplantitis.
photoactiveted desinfection, hygienist, dental implants, laser therapy, non-surgical treatment, peri-implantitis, peri-implant mucositis